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Market Manipulation

Rajesh Srivastava

Market manipulation refers to the intentional and deceptive activities that individuals or entities undertake to artificially influence the price of a stock or financial instrument.

Dark Pool Trading

Rajesh Srivastava

Dark pools are private exchanges or trading venues where large institutional investors and traders can buy or sell securities without revealing their intentions to the public market.

Technical Trading of Index Stocks

Rajesh Srivastava

Technical trading, particularly when applied to index stocks, offers numerous benefits that make it a preferred approach for many traders and investors.

Market Spoofing

Rajesh Srivastava

Stock market spoofing is a form of market manipulation where traders place orders with the intention of canceling them before they are executed.

Stop-loss Hunting

Rajesh Srivastava

Stock market spoofing is a form of market manipulation where traders place orders with the intention of canceling them before they are executed.

Artificial Price Movements

Rajesh Srivastava

Artificial price movements in financial markets refer to changes in the price of a security that are not driven by genuine market forces or natural supply and demand dynamics.